About Us
MGT Remodeling is a well established remodeling company providing top-notch services at affordable prices. It was founded by Martin Galicia in 2017 and it has continued providing affordable, quality work in the Houston Area. With over 15 years of experience in the construction industry, Martin has the passion and will to get any project done with 100% satisfaction guaranteed. From affordable prices to quality work, speed, and reliability.

Martin Galicia
Founder and Manager
Hi, I am the founder of MGT Remodeling, a complete home renovation solution for all your needs. I have a deep passion for building and repairing things related to homes. I worked for 15 years in the construction Industry as a head carpenter. With all those years of experience, I can safely say I am good at my craft.
Incredible Efficiency
The Only Remodeling Company You Need.
Exceptional Work